The holiday season is here, and if you are like most folks, you have been caught up in your list and checking it twice. Before the big day arrives, don’t forget to get something special for your dog or cat. Here at PetNest Animal Hospital, we want all cats and dogs to stay safe this holiday, so we decided to talk about some awesome — though unusual— gift suggestions for cats and dogs. Remember that, as your pet’s veterinarian in Frisco, our team is also here to lend a helping hand if they need medical attention this holiday season. Here are a few unique last-minute gift ideas for pets.

Get a Microchip

Each year, roughly 10 million dogs and cats are stolen or lost in the United States. Having your cat or dog microchipped boosts the chances of locating them if tragedy ever strikes. The veterinarians at PetNest Animal Hospital microchip pets in seconds, and this non-surgical procedure provides long-term peace of mind.

Stuff Their Stocking with Parasite Preventives

Fleas, ticks, and other external parasites are not just disgusting and aggravating. These awful creatures are hazardous to pets’ health, too. They could even make your human family members sick. If you currently don’t have your pet on a trusted parasite preventive, the holiday season is an excellent time to get them on the right track. To ensure that you buy safe, effective preventives, we recommend purchasing parasite control products directly from your pet’s veterinarian. 

Give the Gift of Health with a Wellness Exam

We understand. Visiting a vet’s office for a physical exam probably is not your cat or dog’s favorite thing. But whether they like it or not, bringing them in for routine care is the key to maintaining their health and happiness. If you are looking for a way to end 2021 with a clean bill of health for your dog or cat and start the new year off on the right paw, scheduling a wellness assessment is the perfect option. 

This holiday season, make your pet’s health a top concern. Give us a call now to book your pet’s appointment.

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